Long Live Educators

Assessment, as an effective tool to diagnose the learner’s needs and bagging one of the superior roles in various educational systems is pertinent to the different aspects and persons behind the educational process. These include the students as the center of the curriculum and instruction, the teachers as the facilitator and dispenser of knowledge, the parents as the provider of moral and basic needs of the students, the school administrators and staffs as the implementer of the school curriculum, the policy makers as the core designer of educational policies, the industry and stakeholders who extends help in the educational system. Let's see the relevance of assessment to the different personalities in education.

Huwebes, Setyembre 10, 2015


Industry demands for individuals who are fully equipped with global competitiveness and efficacy. In addition, they need manpower possessing appropriate skills considering the quality of work and service. Anent this, assessment plays a vital role in producing individuals with quality not by quantity. Due to the social changing milieu, the need for innovation is of high importance. Through the use of assessment, industry will be able to evaluate the quality and the sustainability performances of projects and technology developments in the process industry and more specifically to evaluate operational initiatives.

Checklists and guidelines should be applied during project and technology management, although this requires further investigation to monitor the performance of each individual. This also includes the evaluation of anecdotal reports taken from the formative assessments conducted.

Within calls from governments, business, alumni and students themselves about the need to develop knowledge, skills and attributes for the ‘real’ world, the generic skills, employability skills and professional literacies should be properly assessed. Certainly, universities graduates’ transition into the professions or the workplace more broadly should be supported by a range of preparatory initiatives in the curriculum. How to engage industry in the development, delivery and evaluation of business curriculum should also be focused and considered.

The professional development shall also be considered in the assessment providing an exciting learning environment for students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have developed throughout their degree. Therefore, assessments are tools to improve the quality of manpower in the industry.


Education is the fuel that drives economic growth and social progress. As governments across the world seek to improve the quality of their educational systems, the productivity of learning has never been more important.  Since the advancement of technology has furthered its scope, the goal to explore and facilitate technology’s role in realizing the promise of productive, effective and successful educational systems, schools and teachers, should be gradually materialized, locally and throughout the world. Anent to this, assessment plays a massive role pertinent to policy makers. It gives them the needed data regarding the effectiveness of the educational laws and policies on schools and in the educational paradigm.
Moreover, to build a strong foundation of society, comprehensive policies in education is a vital need to produce fully equipped, skilled and versatile individual of the 21st century. This calls for a variety of efficient teaching methodologies to enhance their performance the same as through with their respective schools, district, division or region. Since we are on the peak of technology, through assessment things will probably run smoothly. By implementing new agendas and regulations as products of interpreted and analyzed data from the school’s assessment, the production of greater number of globally competitive individuals is possible.
Nowadays, quality is the pursuit of our government instead of quantity. There is really a call for the advancement of our education system. In order to connect with other upgraded institutions and by the aid of assessment, policy makers will have the idea in making the system more competitive along the way. However, as a result they can build a very strong, reliable and systematic system.
Therefore, a comprehensive and efficient programs and policies should be employed to attain greater educational goals.


School administrators must be visible, student and teacher centered and must be willing to tackle issues concerning the welfare of the center of the curriculum, the pupils. They are responsible to design the foundation of teaching and learning pedagogy of the school and more importantly to provide high quality of education. Assessment gives us the needed data to diagnose these issues.

Consequently, assessment plays a very significant role pertinent to school administrators. It is considered as an effective tool in solving educational problems that do not have easy answers. It helps the administrators restructure the school curriculum considering the student behavior, school improvement plans, and other educational issues. Assessments are quite helpful to evaluate program effectiveness specially the teaching techniques and strategies employed by teachers. Through test results utilized in school, decisions about the school's curriculum are made. Basing on the information collected and interpreted, they are able to know the weaknesses and strengths of the pupils. This suggests that teachers should render and allot greater time to lessons which students are difficult with and lessen the time teaching the lesson they are excellent with.

The kind of education acquired by the pupils is being reflected in the quality of teaching rendered by schools. Therefore, the holistic development of the learners is the core goal of the school.


Assessment is a tool used by the teachers, administrators, and many more to know, if the given task or lesson had been understood. Assessment in relation to education, that assessment is a wide variety of methods used by educators to document, evaluate and measure the academic readiness, learning progress and skill acquisition of students in school.

Assessment helps the teacher in determining students or learners’ strengths and weaknesses to help the teachers in making their teaching strategy suitable for the learning needs of the learners. It also helps the teacher to deal with children’s need by having a collaborative interaction, between the teacher and the learner’s parents. This will serve as an assessment tool to monitor the learner’s behaviors and activities in their own home. The parents will help the teacher in monitoring their children’s learning behavior whenever the learner is at home, and the teacher will monitor the learner’s progress when he/she is inside of the classroom. However, the teacher will have a discussion on the learner’s parents regarding to the learner’s performance, achievements and difficulties on their lesson so that the learner’s parents will know the current standing of their children’s learning progression. Assessment also, promotes the parent and children interaction to improve the learner’s awareness that the teacher is not the only one who is watching for his/her academic progression. So the learner will going to study well to improve his/her performance o have a good intervention a home.

Parents play a vial role in assessing learner’s performance, because having parents to monitor their children’s performance in their home will help teacher determined the proper teaching strategies to be used for the students to acquire knowledge in easy way. In conclusion, having parents as a partner of the teacher o determine the learners problems, will make the learning process more easy its because uses strategies that doesn’t fit to the learner’s attitude in learning so he acquisition of knowledge about the lesson is hard. So if the teacher has the parents as a partner the learning process will be easier, because the teacher may now use strategies that best fit to the learning process needed by the learner to understand the lesson easily. 


Teachers are considered as the primary facilitators of learning. They are the one that gives the opportunity for the student to learn the higher level of learning and skills and to determine their difficulties during the lesson. Assessment is the one that gives the teacher the necessary information on how far the student grows and how do they acquire the intended learning outcome they need to know in order to meet the courses learning objectives. Assessment also allows the teacher to see if their teaching styles and strategies are effective and gives a way for them to change and improve the teaching approaches. Exams, quizzes, essays along with the projects, recitation and portfolios are some of the forms of assessments the teachers are conducting. It helps them monitor the academic progress of the students and it gives support to teacher’s decisions on managing instruction and assigning grades to pupils.

Assessment is an important component in learning and a great help to the teacher to work towards the achievement of curriculum outcomes. Assessment plays a constant role in giving instruction, determining the student’s higher learning needs and monitoring the student’s academic progress.


If the students are able to know their level of performance in their studies, they will become more determined to have achievement in their studies. They will be actively engaged in the learning process. They will be responsible and they will monitor if they do good or bad in their studies. They will be rebound to higher levels of motivation, self-concept and self-efficacy and better student achievement. Those are ways how assessment relates to students.

What is assessment? Assessment is the process where the teacher collects and interprets data about students learning. In assessment, the teacher does measuring, testing, and evaluating. If these happen and the outcomes of those will be told to the students there is really an effect. As Hornachoz (2015), a student said, assessment relates to students for this is a way to know the capabilities of a student, how determined the student to finish his/her studies and became successful, and also to know if the student is a fast or a slow learner.

Finally, assessment is important for students. Assessment tells what things that the student has or has not learned yet. It identifies the level of knowledge of the students. This information will become a sign about what sort of things a student needs to study more.



Assessment, as an effective tool to diagnose the learner’s needs and bagging one of the superior roles in various educational systems is pertinent to the different aspects and persons behind the educational process.  These include the students as the center of the curriculum and instruction, the teachers as the facilitator and dispenser of knowledge, the parents as the provider of moral and basic needs of the students, the school administrators and staffs as the implementer of the school curriculum, the policy makers as the core designer of educational policies, the industry and stakeholders who extends help in the educational system. Let's see the relevance of assessment to the different personalities in education.

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